Welt Nachrichten

Tennis in Berlin: Vekic und Kvitova im Finale

Donna Vekic and Petra Kvitova Set to Face Off in Berlin Grass Tournament Final

Berlin, Germany – In an exciting turn of events, tennis players Donna Vekic and Petra Kvitova have secured their spots in the final of the grass tournament in Berlin.

Vekic, from Croatia, took on Maria Sakkari from Greece in the semifinals and emerged victorious with a score of 6-4, 7-6 (10-8) after a thrilling match. Kvitova, a two-time Wimbledon champion from the Czech Republic, faced off against Russian player Ekaterina Alexandrova and came out on top with a score of 6-3, 6-4.

The final, which will take place on Sunday at 15:30 in the Steffi Graf Stadium, promises to be a thrilling match between these two talented athletes.

Vekic, currently ranked 23rd in the world, had a tough battle against her higher-seeded opponent. However, after 2 hours and 16 minutes, she secured her victory in a tiebreak. Earlier in the match, Vekic had missed three match points, adding to the tension of the game. On the other hand, Kvitova made quick work of her match, finishing in 1 hour and 19 minutes without losing a single game to Alexandrova.

Both finalists had already won their quarterfinal matches earlier in the day. Originally scheduled for Friday, the quarterfinals had to be postponed due to persistent rain. With a prize purse of $850,000 (approximately 777,000 euros), this tournament held at the LTTC Rot-Weiß facility serves as valuable preparation for the upcoming Wimbledon competition.

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Sophie Müller

Sophie Müller ist eine gebürtige Stuttgarterin und erfahrene Journalistin mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaft. Sie absolvierte ihr Studium der Journalistik und Betriebswirtschaft an der Universität Stuttgart und hat seitdem für mehrere renommierte Medienhäuser gearbeitet. Sophie ist Mitglied in der Deutschen Fachjournalisten-Assoziation und wurde für ihre eingehende Recherche und klare Sprache mehrmals ausgezeichnet. Ihre Artikel decken ein breites Spektrum an Themen ab, von der lokalen Wirtschaftsentwicklung bis hin zu globalen Finanztrends. Wenn sie nicht gerade schreibt oder recherchiert, genießt Sophie die vielfältigen kulturellen Angebote Stuttgarts und ist eine begeisterte Wanderin im Schwäbischen Wald.

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