Welt Nachrichten

Hamburger Fischmarkt eröffnet in Stuttgart: Genießen Sie 1001 Fischvariationen!

Hamburg Fish Market Opens in Stuttgart

The Hamburg Fish Market has officially kicked off in Stuttgart, with numerous visitors flocking to Karlsplatz in the city since early morning on Thursday. According to the organizers, besides enjoying maritime music, guests can feast on 1001 different fish variations. Moderator Kim Hellmann shares more details in the video.

The Opening Festivities

After last year’s cancellation due to the pandemic, the excitement for this year’s fish market was especially high. In the early morning, a large number of people gathered in Karlsplatz in Stuttgart’s city center. In the next eleven days, until July 16, a bit of coastal ambiance will permeate the city. Klaus Moritz, spokesperson for the Hamburg Fish Market, praised the good mood of the people of Stuttgart in the morning. „The atmosphere is fantastic from the minute we open the stalls,“ he raved. Finance Mayor Thomas Fuhrmann also attended the opening ceremony and thanked the Hamburg team for their comprehensive offering. The musical accompaniment was provided by the group „Die Hamburger Perlen“ (The Hamburg Pearls). For those seeking a more relaxed experience, there are plenty of stalls featuring only serene maritime music.

The Best-Selling Item: Backfisch Tower

In general, all the dishes and drinks that one would find on the Hamburg Fish Market and in the northern German gastronomy scene are available this year as well. The range of options is comprehensive, and every fish lover will find their preferred type and preparation method. Nonetheless, there is one particular attraction that draws the most attention from visitors: the Backfisch Tower. The „Sylter Backfischrutsche“ (Sylt-style Backfisch slide) has been specially built for this purpose. Here, Backfisch (fried fish) is freshly prepared and fried, sliding directly onto the guest’s plate from the upper part of the tower. „It has always been the highlight of the Hamburg Fish Market,“ says Klaus Moritz.

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What Else Can You Expect?

This year, the tent gastronomy is back after having been absent in previous years. Apart from that, visitors can look forward to the usual offerings. Fish lovers can also rest assured that the Hamburg Fish Market will return next year. „You won’t get rid of us that easily,“ emphasizes Klaus Moritz in a conversation with STUGGI.TV. He hopes for lots of fun and good spirits among the people of Stuttgart and all other guests in the coming days. Of course, the goal is to sell a lot of fish as well. The weather is cooperating, with temperatures reaching around 30 degrees Celsius over the upcoming weekend.

Location of the Hamburg Fish Market in Stuttgart:

[Insert Map or Address Information]

VIDEO: We were on the Hamburg Fish Market last July as well.

[Insert Video Link]


Sophie Müller

Sophie Müller ist eine gebürtige Stuttgarterin und erfahrene Journalistin mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaft. Sie absolvierte ihr Studium der Journalistik und Betriebswirtschaft an der Universität Stuttgart und hat seitdem für mehrere renommierte Medienhäuser gearbeitet. Sophie ist Mitglied in der Deutschen Fachjournalisten-Assoziation und wurde für ihre eingehende Recherche und klare Sprache mehrmals ausgezeichnet. Ihre Artikel decken ein breites Spektrum an Themen ab, von der lokalen Wirtschaftsentwicklung bis hin zu globalen Finanztrends. Wenn sie nicht gerade schreibt oder recherchiert, genießt Sophie die vielfältigen kulturellen Angebote Stuttgarts und ist eine begeisterte Wanderin im Schwäbischen Wald.

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