ORF1 Kids starts the morning with two beloved animated series, „Yakari“ and „Shaun the Sheep“. In „Yakari“, viewers learn about the importance of patience, while „Shaun the Sheep“ entertains with its funny and adventurous episodes.
Meanwhile, over on ORF III, viewers can catch up on the latest weather and news updates, followed by the documentary „Madame Butterfly – Sehnsuchtsmigrantin am Bodensee“, which explores the life of a migrant living in the Bodensee region.
On ServusTV, viewers can enjoy the stunning views of the Alpine region with „Das Wetterpanorama bei ServusTV“. This daily show provides viewers with an up-to-date weather forecast for each location and also shares the latest news headlines.
Over on CANAL+, the program „but what about… Film Productions?“ delves into the topic of