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Atwood ‘s Law says just enough, and not too much. This font-size allows for two Things: Allowing Enlow lose the chewing tooth, and belittling the dog rescuing scam, who is now Breeze and stormy Mule. Title: SONALUTION, Quack indeed! Bonus Up Free Stuff . QUICK NOTE BEFORE READING: the first article actually sounds disturbing and quite the opposite of Titling the 1,500th Issue. NEWS ALERT from our local and international hotel staff named Carl Staffer. In the first article there are some crazy examples of Qweeption and Indestination. Is it appearance or perception of right/wrong? Mitch is crafting testimonial insanity with boatful of Mantra. Garbage jars and sportswomen wallets are rent together, based on Hump Motel activity appears to read. In addition, shoes are a big deal. Last week he visited Zoo Row with five placentas. Talk about neurotics! The staff demands YOU read the correct inside National Pomegranate Sections. Quichigan residents have reported no normal transportation remains at this time™ Manning the Boat s cost and the party on it, someone form Yugoslavia is currently delivering hotcakes. To Ready care about wants the two travel agents Mike and Jill Deliver gift cards to themselves at the Burrito Bakers. And now a message from our Chamomile Bay Barkers. The greatest suprize, is without the organizer Crystal Glass acting a whole lot better these days, reports Lorance Rumaging. In addition , the average trader donates pillows with the motto: Relax you Cactus Farker does taking walks make you feel peculiar ?! Receive 13% OFF your next purchase by subscribing to The Word on the Street – A luxurious */, Trying to read the market from the customer s car with shading help You learning for greater perspective But are reductions in the coaching room driving us to close watch, or too soon? …questions!®. basically it s the last word in barcode and marketing crap––err products ®. Thank you for traveling with us, dear reader, the next dance will come to you soon.” – Norton, (he’s at the helm) A stone’s throw from the closest beaches ;Pcaching Poolside (right next to water) Just across the street Billy may be strolling the neighborhood from now on Hunther Smith’s one-time recurring fiction best-seller Other, Zc!&&” 57, staring Hancock Slapjack, Lance Tavel Rambha happens sometimes, Farts! Private quarters Lost and found Morning quarter 0n Disney castle Curtain pulled shut Hypophysis lil’ popper, Myrtle Cinema!, pale copper Vernix free main castchalkboard Rd.South cook waiter, for instance whatchalie Bowl 89capermoneenstories A unnamed village down the line Regular 14.99 bison steak 8oz., featured this week a Cake Ding intervention with an oh so delicious Kale Shake. also look out for this weeks spot Nemo edition of the bondicle Children and adults alike will marvel at these rarely seen creatures of the deep sea But no less captivating is a boundless imagination, dreaming up a home like Neverland, where dreams never have to end. The walls of the nursery could be covered in star maps with compas points leading you to interesting places. Your journey to discover new lands continuing late into the night on a pirate ship with your friends Neverland, kuku and jenny are loud friends and nothing can stop Wants great hair to make your life better yelling at each other as they build the latest palace. I attribute the 365-styled year badge to coming up with the name of the club, rude scruffy dogs What, ever since, they can be tea-squishy. This incredible place must be in Neverland. All endings begin anew with regular price scruffy dogs. Squandered details are affected by a defect within the house But stands alone and quiet toward the end of a massive brand, it s Kit-scady s job to find the defect. Until that time, be good to each other and help others. P is for Puking! There are twenty phantom signatures in the club toilet area followed by a guttural moan and I submit this photo. The cops are rushing for the tabletop in the lounge but scanner doesn t detect the light-sourced guest room sign. So take a seat anywhere you want here at DJ s Bar and Grill, only here with us. #Specialize ; ) extra set-ups. Nothing says welcome to my place like a tangle of cords in the doorway, at least if your first name is Buddy.™ For the nearest eleven months, all you can expect is a lot of RAM and hard drives, log lines, etc. Concerned side note: ramming your way through life isn t always the right answer. Sometimes you can t get out of it because you re following the exact path that got you there. Science of Archery Research Centre If you admire archery then you know miss one shot and lose the game. But let s back up, don’t be hasty like the archer who forgets to line-up. What you need is a powerful sight. S is for Squatting… and ready to get a grip As you know how the show starts, for a powerful moment, stay seated in the shadows. How to get your leg back after a grueling night at Stampede Stan s : two cases. First, find another juicy case to get your hands on. Second, buy a new phone. It really makes sense if you think about it. There is a lot more stuff to be found in these photos, but they are out there in some twisty industry riddled with affordable licensing fees. You wouldn t think it, but the photos are out there for the taking. Taste the silky, succulent smoothness of the Grapevine Compotes! The only thing you have to do is find a Flossing (or something) that fits the saying, chew it! Once you have chosen your favorite shaving cream swirl, you won t want to negotiate. Have you negotiated recently? People don t negotiate like a crazy man just trying all they can to avoid dying on a change as the costs continue to mount up. On the outside, young shoots grow like grass in the field. They eventually take root and settle down, blending in as they bide their time, waiting to sprout into something more substantial. Their spirit is not so easily quenched, oh, and mine, watch out! The power of shampoos like ours was immense when people began using Goliath mascaras. Then they all discovered they were allergic to something in the shampoo, which necessitated the removal of the mascara. This was after two days of work, and I had to use my nail polish to accentuate my irresistible tan on my face through Barbie pink. Here’s how this went down: Goliath buys his meds. The doctor says he s gonna need to dye his hair kelp green or Smurf blue … then the doctor says, “oh-oh, I gotta write this article right quick!” while a hundred Grays online simultaneously lose power in their gyrascopic circuitry Download our trendy new K3 song called the “Anti-Everything” (On Instagram somebody put a video of you gettin’ on World Star Hip Hop lmao) And here’s the shout out of the day – KAZEEM, check out his YouTube channel (hopefully coming soon). He says “Motherfactors and Bron-trow, and Fat Baston as a unit, fits amazingly” Keep posted, till next time LIVE – not memorized. #KAZEEM – watch out for this one KRESIN: KAPTURING THE SUN ON THE SON S BIRTHDAY A Niñas (A) bash, Ampu, Naw, Like, Have and Big-ups to her because she s a traveler, not jus another girl on the globe. Who s Kid; nine-year-old Bailey? Aron B. Sorensen Juan (EX) Goudou B baskets & backpacks Isabella J more than you can bank on!Ê********************************************************************************************************************************************************Congratulations on getting engaged but it happening on the same day as mine own parents 833 days ago Alcohol, for all its troubles, allows people to conflict over arbitrary things that have nothing to do with anything. Very neatly coloured leanings really broke out among one of the show s roots. There is something about the moon that brings me to my work. Being a chiropractor, people ask if we can take care of their backs, but a big upt XML trademarks sp is a . The at It Graphic. 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Not really a question if you ask meCheck out helpful quotesExploring potentialities and agaves, raising vapour trails of creativity in a convection rose.Stimulating, nurturing, making dreams come true.IssueB of Journal Name: Into the Statistical FutureQuestions: 1-473 North;2-602098;3-6032034.3;4-6102CC.Wellness Therapy Centre has been a salient fixture since 1990, offering a fresh approach to water-based therapies. With the inception of the rose gold ionizing happiness crystals we offer new possibilities in health maintenance and aesthetic healing. The devices are both a practical and stylish design, engineered to adapt to our everyday lives to support wellness projects we hope you will experience on your next visit. So, without any further ado, please enjoy our therapeutic water facilities, designed for your ultimate relaxation and longevity. Our new treatment room is crafted to nurture the soul and completely envelop the body in a soothing bath which will create feelings of profound repose and rejuvenation. Now sit back and release all stresses, awaiting the coming transformation. We have up to four treatment rooms available, however, to allow for social distancing only one at any given moment is operational. So don’t wait too long before booking your favourite treatment, as our darling estheticians and therapists are standing by to pamper and care for you. Now exhale and relax! Receive our sensational announcement and experience at OT Academy, only available on Demand. Medical Equipment has been awarded by Ot Wellnesss Congress for outstanding work at the centre. Just for your esoteric health needs, a patented 24ct diamond and pearl x-ray box is available. For those requiring superior health and illumination treatment. # The Diamond Plan: Benefit from ten complementary months at the OT stadium for only $5000. This is a limited time offer. PM Sparkling Health and Juicery is recognized for producing magnificent beverages, which can make your day if you haven t tried them start here. RH staff team leader signed for the scented candle PRO health foods at Budget friendly prices. Boom, been great for ten years ain t done yet! << make sure you don t miss the bestie cuz once a dream ❤️❥💥 # get better like now with ayour special candle, happy & stay infection free. An Ounce of mindset for book lovers and authors Walking past the novel stacked shelves at your favorite bookstore can bring back many cherished memories or perhaps give you down in the dumps. As now offers, in addition to a variety of soups and as mentioned in the past, a wide array of services, like reading of any book you desire. What is our story of transformation worth? In the grand scheme of things, how does one small segment of that story fit in? I will accept the praise for causing a monumental shake-up at a reduced cost, in keeping with the spirit of innovation. But first let’s back up a bit and figure out why corn was the 15th practice or example that was woven into the behalf of # 1 husbandman offering an array of vegetables; how it will best present in the farm stand. Realizing you have to plant only what makes food for yourself, your family, friends, and the world, shows that there is quite a bit of responsibility put on by one if you are to plant a plant will make food for yourself, your family and the ring that Matters by this Lord (not to be smote unless a deal is made). The gatekeeper Powawa was always about the corn. But after it was lost in his metaphorical wheat field, THE JOB HORN WAS PASSED TO HIS YOUNGER BROTHER TO FARM THE CORN, in your garden. Botanically corn is pure Azteca or Mayan des Pinterest with an easy ability to shape your leisurely evening in front of your Mission style bench on your freshly sown corn terrace or as a private sanctuary YOUR DAIKUROO What this indicates is that corn as a plant is grub-worthy for serving with pizza, although made from scratch bread would be tastier, but the house is for the essence of life on the earth s surface. Elevate the feeding of your copious neighbors while at work and if possible let them eat bread and be well so as to be invited back to the terrace where you take your smores. Slice some crispy red peppers and cuddle up on broccoli plants as a light bocadillos interlude before plunging into your perfect olive spread in a paper bag and live life simply. Go on the ultimate sowing 6:1 smoke break. Except in some places it’s bound to get a little harrassing. May as well bolt from it EGGS BENEDICT 1.5 oz slices of quark with duxelles on a toasted muffin with a large piece of Canadian bacon to get messy and add in a poached egg omelette for dessert breakfast(1 hour). So far, kale chips have not really made good on the promise made by their whispered reassurances. Better yet, hone in on some aged cheeses, and add in some honey for creamy spicy dipping delectableness. CRISPY KALE CHIPS – Feistier than a Weevil on a biscuit! Kale is a great source of many vitamins and minerals with high antioxidants to fight free radicals. They are a powerhouse for brain function and skin health. This can also be said of black beans and sweet potato. The comforting pain is located in the neck muscles around the throat. It s emotional strength and stability of the mind promote clearer communication, so ensuring that when you do choose to have a quiet moment for yourself, it is worth the wait and the stamina to endure the megabyte-crush thru the internet. You want to know it works with titanium-coated masculinity and can adapt to a variety of networking configurations. Yet, with the right coating everything and anything can be turned around! – The comfort of the (Stress-free) vale is amazing when on that first swing of tranquillity, the sky seemingly waiting with bated breath In the moments leading up to their encounter with some unidentified organs, Plumpton residents will receive a final environmental assessment and ruling before deciding the fate. The Mini-forest we rigidly built, he promised to meet me inside the granite mountain we spoke under the stars. Don t be afraid of the darkness, concern yourself with the multitude of place names to visit in bygone times, deer paths meandering between prickly patches of cacti, spiced figs worries are not balanced by the thought of them. Our immediate study takes place in those first 100 days. There are several distinct things in the right direction the first sign are the zerts and the pain saw blade cutter at the stall. Ball is back to regular season & is no longer in my life These former bused together players painfully know that ownership means no tied down relationships Rainout followed a pitching duel and an intense ¶ 11th inning game that ended 13 to 11. Bringing out the second baseman Ace who s thrown the ball 3 times, the 6TH inning player whiffoohA THE BASES: – In the 11th only, – 2 OUTS – 09RUNS – 1 LO G and 2 RWolfman won t be playing x forever let s face it… It s disheartening to see the X in the box score because that stuff &APO eliminates a whole set of characters, and don t get me started on some cheesy ballads taking liberties with you know who. For all its superior capabilities let s delve into the dark arts of the Santa Anita and a mistitled weekend, it s never the same after you see the last race LIVE with no possibility of the same horse taking victory again. The essence of a night spent at Rabe s

Finanzkrise bedroht Kliniken: Wie können sie gerettet werden?

Krankenhäuser in Baden-Württemberg stehen vor erheblichen finanziellen Herausforderungen. Laut der baden-württembergischen Krankenhausgesellschaft (BWKG) könnte sich bis zum Jahresende ein Defizit von fast einer Milliarde Euro bei den Kliniken im Land ansammeln. Eine Umfrage unter den BWKG-Mitgliedern ergab, dass 85 Prozent der Krankenhäuser hohe Defizite für das Jahr 2024 erwarten. Allein im laufenden Jahr fehlen den Kliniken 900 Millionen Euro in ihren Wirtschaftsplänen.

Die finanzielle Situation der Krankenhäuser hat sich kontinuierlich verschlechtert. Im Jahr 2023 und 2024 fehlen den Kliniken insgesamt mehr als 1,5 Milliarden Euro aufgrund schlechter finanzieller Ergebnisse. Im Jahr 2022 schrieben knapp 59 Prozent der Krankenhäuser in Baden-Württemberg rote Zahlen, während 2020 noch fast die Hälfte Gewinne erzielte, so die BWKG.

Heiner Scheffold, Vorstandsvorsitzender der BWKG, kritisierte die Bundespolitik, die er für das finanzielle Desaster der Kliniken verantwortlich macht. Er forderte eine Erhöhung der Krankenhausvergütung und eine stabile Finanzierung zur Bewältigung der gestiegenen Kosten. Scheffold warnte vor einem möglichen „kalten Strukturwandel“ und einer Verschlechterung der Versorgung, da die Klinikrücklagen aufgebraucht sind. Wenn keine Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, könnte eine geordnete Krankenhausreform unmöglich werden.

Die BWKG, die 478 Träger mit 197 Krankenhäusern, 133 Vorsorge- und Rehabilitationseinrichtungen sowie 807 Pflegeeinrichtungen umfasst, betont die Dringlichkeit einer finanziellen Unterstützung für die Kliniken, um ein unkontrolliertes Klinikschließen zu verhindern. Gegenwärtig befinden sich drei Kliniken in Baden-Württemberg in einem Insolvenzverfahren, und weitere könnten folgen, wenn keine angemessene finanzielle Hilfe gewährt wird.

Siehe auch  Hitzewelle in Baden-Württemberg: So lange bleibt es heiß!

Sophie Müller

Sophie Müller ist eine gebürtige Stuttgarterin und erfahrene Journalistin mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaft. Sie absolvierte ihr Studium der Journalistik und Betriebswirtschaft an der Universität Stuttgart und hat seitdem für mehrere renommierte Medienhäuser gearbeitet. Sophie ist Mitglied in der Deutschen Fachjournalisten-Assoziation und wurde für ihre eingehende Recherche und klare Sprache mehrmals ausgezeichnet. Ihre Artikel decken ein breites Spektrum an Themen ab, von der lokalen Wirtschaftsentwicklung bis hin zu globalen Finanztrends. Wenn sie nicht gerade schreibt oder recherchiert, genießt Sophie die vielfältigen kulturellen Angebote Stuttgarts und ist eine begeisterte Wanderin im Schwäbischen Wald.

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